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The Rusted Future

Welcome to the world of MINDFLUX

We Created the MINDFLUX IP to explore a singular, fundamental question: What does it mean to be self-aware? We initially wanted to explore environmentalism, but as we started researching we realized the slow degradation of the planet is a much more primal issue of psychology, individual philosophy and overall self-awareness for how we treat the people, and the world around us. So we sought to create a philosophical and anthropological playground where we could explore the endless facets and angles of this question. And that is where the MINDFLUX IP came from.


A Post-Apocalyptic Science Fantasy Future

MINDFLUX takes place in our own distant future in the year, 3620 with an expansive back history of 3 golden ages come and gone, and dark ages that followed them. There is society, and there is order, in the form of 5 factions that tolerate each other for survival. They each have their own ideas and desires for the future of humanity and they don't want the others to achieve theirs. This is a fantasy world at it's core with a sci-fi veneer. Fantasy world building concepts such as magic and dragons and Gods re-ceonceptualized in a sci-fi setting with a post-apocalytpic societal structure. Desperate, but NOT dystopic.

Scrap Punk Trans-humanism"

In this world, trans-humanism in the form of body modification is common place. Not out of status or entertainment, but out of necessity for survival. Technology for the average man is crude and scrappy held together with spare parts and a wish. Work is dangerous, but necessary for everyone to survive. The body is not sacred in the world of MINDFLUX. It does not constitute the self.


Frankensteinian, Sentient Animals

There are two sentient species on the island of Dura. Humanoids, and Cerebroids. Cerebroids are genetically pure animals, sliced up and forced into humanoid proportions with futuristic tech and granted an artificial frontal lobe and thus higher intelligence by an unknown entity. These Cerebroids, are thrusted into human society with a divine edict to serve humanity and per-determined vocation with the body mods to accomplish it.

What makes humans special if self aware-ness is rendered obsolete?

Moddifiable Brains

Not only are these creates horrifying to look at, but they  do not act and grow as humanoids do. They can insert brain packages instantly granting them mastery in any skill. They can power on and de-power various software-esque personality traits to design their social disposition for any specific interaction at hand.

What is the value of self-awareness in the face of creatures who don't need to learn, who are better than you in any chosen vocation and can modify their personality at will?


A World Teetering on a Knife's Edge

A miniature black-hole, expanding. A logistical super computer, going dormant. Chimeric Robots known as Axons, spreading. And many more threats challenge the survival of the human species. But not all hope is lost. While there are some fools whose ego will doom humanity, their are those who seek to save humans. And Cerebroids, the wild card, are a resource, some bent on helping, some rebelling against their divine edict.

Do we take advantage of them, reducing ourselves to cornered beasts or do we collaborate and in the process become obsolete? How will humanity chart a path forward when the very nature and value of humans are being threatened? How will you respond?

Wanna Collaborate?

While we are game developers by trade we are artists and storytellers by heart. If you want to explore these themes of self-awareness and if you see a story in this world you want to tell, we would LOVE to collaborate with you!

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(c) 2024 Lost Gate Studios & Salix Augeat

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